Most UK companies are involved in Spam Mail.

SpamUnsolicited email has been around for a while and isnt showing any sign of stopping anytime soon. Its a spin off from old fashioned unsolicited junk mail through the letter box and often no less exciting. Occasionally, there is some spam that comes into my inbox that is hilarious to make fun of the guys sending it, actually that’s the entire purpose behind my new site being setup , people are encouraged to join up, and discuss spam they have received – whilst removing links of course!

Spam Rating company has done some research and it seems that the majority of the companies sending email in the UK are not sending it in a way that complies with good mail practice. The survey reveals that its not talking about the corner shops, big brand chain companies such as B&Q, JD Sports and perhaps the worst offender, PC World. They of all people should know better.



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  1. […] M&#959&#1109t UK companies &#1072r&#1077 involved &#1110&#1495 Spam Mail. | Whitebunnywabbit […]

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