Category: Politics

  • Fuel to rise, business to go bust, Government Happy.

    Trains are overcrowded, late, and cant operate in the rain, snow , hail, wind or at least that is what Northern Rail wants us to believe. With the threat of a leaf on the track derailing a 100 tonne train it is no wonder people are turning to alternative means of transport. Despite the railways…

  • David Cameron expected to confirm he’s ruined the UK Economy

    <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-212" title="David-Cameron1" src="×202.jpg" alt="David Cameron British Prime Minister" width="300" height="202" srcset="http://www fr×202.jpg 300w, 460w” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” />David Cameron is expected to announce a number of radical points in a speech today. They cover reforms to NHS and education which Britain is in desperate need of. The reforms will…

  • Tunisia from an observers view

    We recently went on holiday to Tunisia, before the travel advisories were changed to recommend against travel to the country. So I now have my first two stamps on my passport, of course, naturally my passport expires in a couple of years so I will end up with one of those fancy shiny ones which…

  • Education is the future for Britain why resist it

    We build too many walls and not enough bridges. -Issac Newton The United Kingdom has for the last century been falling into disrespect and disrepair by wave after wave of conservative government, even when the government is not conservative. It has been one thing after another that has lead us to this situation. Britain was…

  • Her Majesties Head Could Come Off…

    … the stamps of the postal service. You might not think that this is an important element of the post system but the main postal operator, the Royal Mail is a Royal service which is why Her Majesties head is on postal stamps. In the event that plans to privatize the Royal Mail are pushed…

  • Iceland agrees to repay the UK for bank collapse

    Gordon Brown once said: “We are facing a global financial crisis which is probably the first truly global financial crisis of the modern world”. A statement which went on to prove to be accurate with the worldwide financial system collapsing around us it is no surprise that commercial entities were forced to close their doors…

  • United States should take responsibility for Wikileaks

    If Wikileaks has been acting like a terrorist organization it is most likely because the United States is trying to push the blame for the leak on Wikileaks. That is not however entirely accurate, we are referring of course to predominately United States Military and Diplomatic reports. They key word there: United States. United States…

  • Julian Assange Arrested – Eyes shift to Watch Sweden

    <a href="http://www achat cialis”>The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange has officially been arrested in the United Kingdom under an European Arrest Warrant issued by the Swedish authorities over sexual crimes. Assange has of course denied the allegations. The real question is how will the case play out, being now a high profile defendant, people…

  • Governor: You criticised our Prime Minister, that not accepted here.

    He holds the position of Governor of the Bank of England. Quite an impressive job title if I do say so myself. However he is facing calls for him to resign from said position for he expressed concerns about Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne. He really should have know better. This is…

  • Prince Andrew laughs in life or death revelations

    Both Washington and London have declared that the release of documents from wikileaks are a massive threat to national security and could cost lives. But how realistic is this? Only a fraction of the documents have been released so far but what I have looked at hasn’t been exactly matters of life and death. Or for…