Category: Politics

  • Gagging order for UK News over wikileaks

    The guys over at Wikileaks have done it again. Thousands of documents have been released from Diplomatic communications. However, the News may not be able to adequately discuss the matter, you see, Defense Advisory Notice has been issued meaning that the mainstream press can provide no published information about documents released by Wikileaks. It is…

  • Ofgem investigates the power and gas companies

    It will likely come as welcome news to British Gas customers which has a draconian approach to customers. They tend to move magically the previous occupant’s bill over to your name and claim the lot. Which is why when I moved into my current property on day one I “used” £200 worth of Gas and…

  • Rail network set to expand by 2019

    Overcrowding on trains is not exactly a new concept – our railway network has been split up into private companies all sharing rolling stock and track in some monolithic monstrosity of a national railway infrastructure. As a result of this break up of the railway infrastructure, corporations are more interested in keeping their costs down…

  • Become rich and you’ll lose your home.

    Plans proposed in the government’s infinite wisdom could see people evicted from their homes if they get a wage rise. What a wonderful incentive to stay on benefits instead of serving as a economic boost for the country. The plan however does seem to be limited to those tennants that are living in council property…

  • Weapons of Mass Destruction to be installed in South Korea

    Nuclear weapons have been in the limelight today in two major nuclear related developments. The Court of Appeal of the United Kingdom has ruled against war veterans exposed to nuclear weapon tests. The court found that the time frame had expired for the veterans to bring legal action against the Ministry of Defence for radiation exposure during tests which…

  • The Pope Wants Safer Sex

    The condom has arguably been around since the ancient times in some size shape or form. In its more “modern” form it has been in use since the 1800’s in classic rubber variety. Schools around the world teach that the use of the magic barrier can prevent sexually transmitted infections most commonly associated with HIV/Aids. As a…

  • Italy vote of no confidence could see Berlusconi leave office

    He may be a prime minster, but he also seems to have paedophilia tendencies with a strong urge for sexual encounters and a tyrannical government style. Prime Minister of Italy Berlusconi could soon be out of a job however. He stated on Saturday that the government he leads will be put through a confidence vote.…

  • Whats this, a conservative with a clue?

    Surely this is a first time in the history of the conservative party. Reading about what he plans to do in order to fix the benefits system, the secretary of state for the department of work and pensions has perhaps spotted an important point. Backed by the prime minister they seem to have worked out…

  • Jobless to clean Rubish for £1

    Iain Duncan Smith the secretary of state for the department of work and pensions has announced new plans to see people who “choose” to live off benefits cast to low skilled jobs by force. Clearing the streets of rubbish and gardening and the likes. He is under the misunderstanding that people who are on benefits…

  • Iran Detains Britons and plays the Terror Card

    For a country that is well known for defying International Communities particularly on issues of security and nuclear power, for Iran to turn around and suddenly say they are working to prevent Terrorism is highly suspicious at best. That however is exactly what Iran seems to be trying to convince the world of. Four British…