Category: Politics

  • Prisoners get Right to Vote

    In a move that is likely to prove unpopular with the General public, the Government is set to fall into compliance with the findings of the European Court of Human Rights – that Prisoners must have the right to Vote. A Convicted Killer brought the case to the European Court several years ago which found…

  • British Forces to be Sold to the French Army

    A century ago, the sight of the Union Jack rising over the horizon would have stricken fear into the enemies of the British Empire. Our military has a long tradition of being strong and well trained better than anyone else. That all ends tomorrow however. Prime Minister David Cameron is to enter a 50 year…

  • Housing Benefit to get capped at £20,800 a year

    The UK Welfare system is seriously flawed. People who should be on benefits are the minimum wage earners, not MPs on multi million a year estates. Yet the caps to be introduced into the housing benefit system seems to be aimed at them. People on benefits for housing are expected to be able to live…

  • 1 in 200 arrests under Anti Terror Laws had no Terrorism element laws deemed worthless

    The Terrorism Act, Section 44 gave police powers to stop and search in the name of anti-terrorism. The extent of these searches has came to light as fruitless in a review by the new home secretary. Just 1 in every 200 stops lead to an arrest, and of these, none were arrests due to terrorism…

  • Londoners might pay to be breathalyzed

    When I first read about this I thought it was a bad and highly undemocratic approach to dealing with drunks. Then I got reading into it more, and perhaps the system does have merits. In London they say drink is a major driving force in crime. The proposed system could work like it does in…

  • Airport: For security reasons please remove your pants.

    Security measures at airports to prevent terrorism against planes has long been criticized as being over kill. Introduction of shoe x-ray process, extra effort taken to check laptops, restriction of what may be taken on board it all serves as a waste of time. With a toilet sized container of flamable liquid onboard it is…

  • Londons Burning could be real this Bonfire

    Bonfire night is almost here, its the time when, depending on which government is in power and their relations with the public standing, we will either be celebrating that Guy Fawkes failed to destroy government, or, as is likely, commiserating that he was caught. Either way, it is sure to be an explosive night with…

  • Where did the news go?

    It seems that today all the journalistic skills of a monkey are in the office. Trying to find something exciting to blog about today has been a strain , actually for the last few weeks it has been. I think I want to design a niche to write all about. Looking over google with its…

  • 500K job losses, 15Million bonus for Queen seems fair ?

    The chancellor seems to be set on making himself the most infamous chancellor ever to ruin, ahem I mean run the Treasury. Having quickly done a spending review and hastily decided to get rid of over 500K jobs from the civil service, and wiping out billions from the UK economy, he is now prepared to…

  • David Cameron’s plan to fix the UK to be unveiled.

    Later on today a number of high ranking MPs are expected to announce various things to ensure that the economy actually survives the massive blow it’s taking from the spending review. Despite cutting over 500K jobs, and removing the wages from each of them, they think they can help the UK grow. Many experts are…