Category: Politics

  • British Navy cuts already causing problems.

    The government’s cuts are already having negative impacts, rather literally.  Early this morning, the most advanced Nuclear attack submarine in the British Navy found that sacking the Navigation officer to save money doesn’t really help with the strategic placement of a nuclear power. The submarine during its seaworthiness trials found itself ran aground. Exactly how…

  • National Security should be secondary to Personal Security

    Echelon has for a long time been reportedly able to intercept communications in essentially any form, e-mail, telephone, fax you name it they are meant to be able to in real time intercept it, and “secure” the state against terrorist attacks. Or whatever they happen to be trying to find out. Such a system especially…

  • But a shadow of a real cabinet.

    Today sees the beginning of labour as an opposition – many weeks after the General Election that saw them thrown from the real cabinet, Labour has decided who shall be the Shadow Cabinet. Ed Miliband has given some surprise twists to the fate of the MPs most likely to take on key positions by, not…

  • Tories Scrap Child Benefit to save money by replacing it with a new benefit

    The government seem to be divided about what their goal is are they trying to save money or are they trying to generate a new welfare state? Either way its failing right down the middle. Critics of the plans to cut the child benefit have lashed out about it being unfair. Which apparently it is.…

  • Unions and Boris Johnston Clash but they are both right.

    It is not often that I agree with both parties, especially if one of the parties is the infamous Boris Johnston. However there is a first for everything and today it seems that it is time. I am siding both with the Unions and the Mad Major of London. Unions are there to represent workers…

  • Daily Mail anti-Druid bigots are a foot

    You might have heard it already, but Druidism will be granted the status as an official religion in the UK. Druidism has exited for a very long time, it may even have existed long before Christianity aggressively attacked ancient Britain and forced itself upon the unwilling population by means of terrorism and execution. None the…

  • Privacy laws in the UK Suck Europe prepares for legal action!

    It likely comes as a blow to the Government to find that UK is to face legal action in the European Courts for failure to comply with European Law in regards to privacy. The EU Directive requires that the UK (and other states in the EU) create a industrial regulator that will act as a…

  • Should the BBC be allowed to Strike

    Have you ever heard of a Government going on strike? I didn’t think so. Surely they should not be allowed to do so.  However the BBC wants to strike. We the tax payer pays for the entire organization even if we don’t use the services which they provide. The BBC is in talks to go…

  • MoD Security breach – Government in chaos

    A police investigation has been instigated to search the Ministry of Defense in relation to a leaked letter from Liam Fox to the Prime Minister. In his position as secretary of state for defense, this letter which reportedly he was not copying anyone else in, represents a major security breach for a department that privacy…

  • Darling quits leaving stark warning about deficit

    He served under Gordon Brown as the Chancellor, now they are in opposition however he wants to wipe his hands clean of the problem. Leaving behind a financial disaster for the UK, Darling has warned the Labour party that they cant just ignore the problem and hope it goes away. Instead they must deal with…