Daily Mail anti-Druid bigots are a foot

druids_stonehengeYou might have heard it already, but Druidism will be granted the status as an official religion in the UK. Druidism has exited for a very long time, it may even have existed long before Christianity aggressively attacked ancient Britain and forced itself upon the unwilling population by means of terrorism and execution.

None the less, it is good to see the rise of ancient natural based religions growth of them should be encouraged. They are quite often neutral in their believes – thinking that it is more important to consider the world around you than the chaotic believes such as those portrayed by Christianity – that stoning people should be acceptable and all that.

The dispiciple MELANIE PHILIPS of the Daily mail showing no respect for the belives of other however launches into an agressive attack against their newly found status. Personally, I find her attacks rather discusting and outrageous. Sure, she may not be a druid herself, in fact I strongly suspect she is one of those Christians I mentioned.

She begins by demanding someone tell her it is a joke. Her attitude towards freedom of religion certainly seems to be such. She admits to the fact that Druidism is from ancient times of Britain, however she then goes on to criticize that religion should be based on “But true religions surely rest on an established structure of traditions, beliefs, literature and laws. “. Established over many thousands of years, based on believes, and I have seen literature about the ways of druidism. So, it seems to meet all of those requirements to be considered by her as a religion.

So apparently the Druids are a cult, Is Christianity also a cult?, perhaps but I am sure that every religion can qualify for cult status so its not exactly news there is it.

“Can it be long, indeed, before the wise and learned theologians of the Charity Commission similarly grant charitable status to sorcery, witchcraft or even the Jedi — the fictional Star Wars ‘religion’ which the 2001 census recorded as having no fewer than 390,127 adherents in England and Wales.”

Why Not? I have yet to see any evidence that Christianity, Islam or any of the other “accepted” religions actually belive in anything other than fiction. Indeed there seems to be more strength towards the case that it is entirely made up. If she contests that Druidism, Jedi, Sorcery and Witchcraft should be considered religion, surely Christianity, Islam and Hinduism should be revoked of their status too? Many of these religions have existed far longer than the new current “accepted” religions.

Is Christianity a Cult?
Daily Mail


2 responses to “Daily Mail anti-Druid bigots are a foot”

  1. James Carrington avatar
    James Carrington

    I have written an official complaint to the Daily Mail regarding this today. I’ve also started an official petiton asking for her to give a full and public apology.
    May I humbly ask for people to sign this petition (already over 1000 signatures), but to refrain from any comments that may be construed as anti any other religion as it will only add fuel to her fire: http://www.petitiononline.com/druid1/petition.html


    1. I have signed my support for this, and encourage others to do so too.

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